Can Kidney Cancer be cured by Ayurveda?

What is a Kidney?

Kidneys are the bean-shaped organs in our body on either side of your spine, below your ribs, and behind your belly. They are basically found in vertebrates. Each kidney is 4 to 5 inches long and the weight of each kidney is about 80 to 190 grams approximately.

The kidney’s main job is to filter blood and remove all the waste particles of the blood and excrete through urine. They are responsible for maintaining the bodily fluids in the body and keeping the right balance of electrolytes in our body.

They help to make hormones in the body that produces red blood cells and regulates blood pressure. And also help in activating Vitamin D, so that it becomes usable and maintains healthy bones. Our blood passes through the kidneys about 40 times a day.

What is Kidney Cancer?

Kidney Cancer, also known as renal cancer, is a type of kidney disease in which kidney cells become cancerous and grow out of control, and form a tumour further. All types of kidney cancers initially begin in the lining of kidney tubes (tubules) in the kidney. This type of renal cancer is known as renal cell carcinoma.

The good thing about kidney cancers is that most cancers related to kidneys are detected before they spread to other organs. And maybe you know, those cancers that are detected at an early stage are easier to treat successfully. And the possibility of getting cured permanently is high if the tumor is found early. Otherwise, they can grow to a large extent and create further health problems for a person.

What are the main causes of kidney cancer?

Doctors or researchers don't know the exact reason behind kidney cancer. There are so many suspects about what causes kidney cancer. But there are mainly some factors found to increase the risk of getting kidney cancer. Just like, as per information, kidney cancer occurs most often in those people whose age is around 40 or more than 40. For instance, some more factors that may cause kidney cancers are: -

Smoking - You may have seen in every packet of tobacco or cigarette that smoking causes cancers. It is 100% true. Smoking increases your chance of getting affected by kidney cancers as compared to non-smokers.

Gender - Your gender is one of the main risk factors for kidney cancers. If you are a male, then you are at high risk of getting kidney cancers. Men are about twice as likely as women to get affected by kidney cancer.

Obesity - People who are overweight are at high risk of developing renal cell carcinoma. Keep your Body Mass Index below 30 and use a BMI calculator to find your BMI and keep it balanced.

High Blood Pressure - high blood pressure is the cause of several health problems. But in renal cancer, doctors don’t know the exact reason whether blood pressure or the medicines used to control blood pressure are the reason behind the developed risk.

Family History - You are more likely to get kidney cancer if any member in your blood relation has it. The risk is higher in siblings.

Certain Medications - If you are taking certain medications for a long time, it develops the risk of getting kidney disease. Acetaminophen, common pain medicine is linked with the increased risk of RCC.

What are the early signs of kidney cancer?

In most of the cases, the early signs of kidney cancer may not have appeared. When the size of the tumour increases, the signs & symptoms may start to appear. You may experience one or more than one of these symptoms:-

  • Blood in your urine
  • Low back pain (not caused by injury)
  • A mass lump in your side or abdomen
  • Fatigue (tiredness)
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss (not caused by dieting)
  • Fever that does not go away
  • Anaemia
  • Swelling
  • Pain in bones

Can Kidney Cancer be cured by Ayurveda?

Now the main question arrives on this blog. Is Ayurveda effective in curing Kidney Cancer? Let’s start finding out the answer to this question.

Ayurveda is our traditional medication method that is used for centuries to combat various health problems. It developed more than 3,000 years ago in the land of India. The main belief of Ayurveda is to maintain the delicate balance between body, mind, and the soul. The major goal of Ayurveda is to promote good health and prevent diseases. It is greatly beneficial in keeping you overall healthy and safeguarding you from harmful diseases.

How does Ayurveda help you with Kidney Cancer?

As you know, when kidney cancer is detected in your kidneys, it starts growing and further forms like a tumor. It’s a proven fact that, if kidney cancer or any other type of cancer is detected in the early stage, it can be cured easily, and if we talk about kidney cancer, it is easily detectable at the initial stage.

Ayurveda offers treatment for various stages of different kidney problems. In Ayurveda, we used only natural and herbal decoctions and various panchakarma therapies to give you significant relief in kidney cancer. When cancerous cells in the kidney start developing and infecting other normal cells and this causes serious damage to our kidneys. Ayurveda basically prevents these cells from growing further and targets malignant cells and kills them with minimum toxicity to normal cells. 

This happens with the help of natural remedies and it also suggests the best diet plan for a kidney cancer patient. As diet is an essential part of the Ayurvedic treatment, that helps in promoting the whole well-being of an individual. 

ayurvedic kidney specialist in the India

The main reason behind Ayurveda’s success in treating renal problems is customization. In Ayurveda medicine, we can customize medicines or therapies according to the patient’s condition requirement and it will give maximum benefits. Kidney cancer treatment in Ayurveda is so effective and the safest means to treat kidney cancer worldwide.
